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White Mage Music



Premierd in North Carolina, 2023 | 7'09"

Regular price $1,000.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,000.00 USD
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Service Package

Introducing Loop, the show that will make your marching band stand out and leave a lasting impression on your audience. This innovative and dynamic production is built on the concept of material coming back around, looping, and connecting to itself. With simple, yet iconic musical ideas, Loop generates recurring themes that will captivate your audience and leave them humming along even after the performance is over.

Loop is the perfect choice for marching bands looking to challenge themselves and push the boundaries of traditional shows. Our team has carefully crafted each element of this show to create a seamless and mesmerizing experience for both performers and spectators.

What sets Loop apart from other marching band productions is its ability to evoke strong emotions and create a lasting impact. With its unique concept and engaging visuals, this show will take your audience on a journey they won't forget. The powerful combination of music and movement will leave them feeling inspired, moved, and wanting more.

Loop will elevate your marching band to new heights and showcase your talent in a whole new light. With its memorable themes, captivating music, and captivating visuals, this show has the potential to become a fan favorite and a highlight of your season.

Copyright Clearances required:

  • Philharmonia Fantasique - The Brass & The Woodwinds (Mason Bates)
  • Ghosts (Muse)
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